App Region Youth Retreat

Young Adult Retreat Registration Form

A retreat designed to teach high school and college students how to think biblically about decision-making. 

  • Does God have a specific will for your life that you might accidentally miss? 
  • How can God’s wisdom and moral will inform your decision-making? 
  • How can you exercise your freedom to make decisions without fear? 
  • How can you reject both indecision and impulsivity–and act boldly in faith? 

Teaching sessions and practical discussions aimed at helping you apply what you’re learning to the real life decisions you’re making right now (relationships, jobs, education, etc.). 

Help Spread the Word

Print a batch to fold for bulletin inserts or to place in common areas at your church.

Not a Young Adult?

Consider making a $50 or $100 donation to fund scholarships for this retreat and to support our regional ministries.

Make checks out to AACA and mail to:

Matt Broadway

3506 Watson Church Road

Monroe, NC 28110